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We explain the most frequently asked health related questions from expats and give precious advice when you live abroad.

maternity uae
Health 12 June 2023
Expatriation and Maternity: what is the cost for a pregnancy in the United Arab Emirates

Name me a more beautiful event than giving birth! Your expatriation is going wonderfully well and you are now going to experience the joys of expat motherhood. From the first ultrasounds to the delivery and postnatal follow-up, what is the cost of maternity in the United Arab Emirates? Let’s dig into the subject together! What…

migraines symptoms
Health 25 May 2023
A Friendly Guide to Understanding and Treating Your Migraine Symptoms

Migraines surpass ordinary headaches in terms of severity. The excruciating pain pulsates, enduring for extended periods. Migraine, a neurological disorder, manifests primarily as a throbbing headache affecting one side of the head. Unlike secondary headaches triggered by other medical conditions, migraines are classified as primary headaches. Distinguishing between a migraine and a regular headache can…

hygiene day
Health 5 May 2023
World Hand hygiene day: why it is still important

All over the world hand hygiene has become a big topic in 2020, when Covid-19 really hit the world. The general population, especially since the pandemic took place, has become more aware than ever of the importance of this hygienic habit. We also see that with the pandemic ending the focus is shifting a bit…

health and safety at work
Health 28 April 2023
Health and Safety at work

If you work in your home country or you are far away and have to get used to another culture at the workplace, safety at work is essential … wherever you are located. Safety at work is not only focused on people who have a very physical job, but needs to be seen as a…

world health day 2022
Health 7 April 2023
World Health Day

The origin of the word health goes back to the Latin “salus” or “salvatio”, which means: “to be able to overcome an obstacle”. This meaning has evolved in our society until, in 1946, the World Health Organisation (WHO) defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence…

endometriosis awareness month
Health 1 March 2023
What is endometriosis?

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. In this Blog we will speak about endometriosis, which affects approximately 10% of women and girls of reproductive age worldwide. It is a silent, disabling disease that has a lot of impact on the quality of life of women who suffer from it. Currently, specialists and associations fight to make…

Health 25 January 2023
Let’s talk about miscarriage: a gynaecologist’s point of view

Dr. Natalia García Montaner, specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Teladoc Health, answers our questions about miscarriage, a situation faced by many couples and expatriates. We hope to provide some answers to couples who are going through it, which can be very difficult to deal with when you are away from home and family. Moreover,…

blue monday
Health 16 January 2023
What is Blue Monday?

It’s no secret: Mondays are (usually) disliked. They start the week by reminding us of everything we have to do and how much is left to do at the end of the week. But are all Mondays equally “tortuous”? Will 16 January be the worst in 2023? The third Monday in January is called “Blue…

psychology expatriate
Health 30 September 2022
Psychology and expatriation, the struggles of the expatriate

Expatriation is a complex and multifaceted event. It often gives rise to contradictory and sometimes destabilising emotions for those who are confronted with it. These strong emotions can represent a real psychological challenge for the expatriate. Expatriation amidst enthusiasm and doubts Moving abroad requires a physical, emotional and psychological effort that confronts the expatriate with…

fatty liver disease
Health 29 August 2022
Things you should know about Fatty Liver Disease

Currently, fizzy drinks are one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world due to huge advertising and society’s ignorance of some of their effects on the body. It has been observed that their consumption starts at a very young age and increases over the years. Its excessive consumption, when it should be sporadic…