The Cost of Living in Mexico

The Cost of Living in Mexico

Mexico offers vibrant cultures and stunning natural beauty, attracting many expats and travelers with its lower cost of living compared to many Western countries. Whether you’re considering relocating for retirement, work, or just to enjoy life in a diverse and historically rich country, understanding the cost of living in Mexico is crucial. This article explores monthly expenses in major Mexican cities like Mexico City and Guadalajara and compares them with costs in nations such as the United States.

Overall Affordability

Mexico is often seen as an affordable destination, but it also provides a good quality of life, which is why it draws many expats from around the world. Mexico’s cost-effective lifestyle attracts a sizable expat population, allowing them to enjoy a vibrant culture and maintain their budget while benefiting from the country’s growing economy. There are several reasons for this affordability:

  • Lower Salaries: While salaries in Mexico are lower than in the US or Europe, the cost of living is proportionally lower as well, making it a viable option for many.
  • Growing Economy: Mexico has a dynamic economy with expanding sectors such as manufacturing, technology, and tourism, offering opportunities to expats and locals alike.
  • Tax Benefits: For expats, certain tax benefits can be available depending on their residency status and income sources.

Cost of Living Comparison

Comparing the cost of living in Mexico with that in the United States shows significant differences:

Cost of living categoryMexico (MXN)United States (USD)
Rent (one-bedroom apartment)10000-15000 (596-895 USD)1000-1500 (16759-25139 MXN)
Groceries (per month)2000 (119 USD)300-400 (5027-6703 MXN)
Transportation (monthly pass)300 (17 USD)100-150 (1675-2513 MXN)
Healthcare insurance (per month)3000-8000 (179-477 USD)100-200 (1675-3351 PHP)
Exchange rate16.801

As seen in the table, living in Mexico can be considerably less expensive than in the United States. However, it’s important to consider that wages in Mexico are also typically lower.

Cost Breakdown

Here’s a breakdown of some of the major cost of living factors in Mexico:


Housing costs in Mexico can vary widely depending on the city and neighborhood. In central areas of Mexico City, rent for a one-bedroom apartment typically ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 MXN per month, while utilities such as electricity, water, and garbage services average around 500 MXN per month. Whether choosing Mexico City’s urban neighborhoods or smaller towns for more affordable housing, expats can find options that fit their budgets while living alongside a diverse local population.

  • One-bedroom apartment in Mexico City: MXN 10,000-15,000 per month (596-895 USD)
  • Smaller towns/cities: Potentially MXN 5,000-8,000 per month (298-477 USD)
  • Average monthly cost for utilities: MXN 500 (electricity, water, waste disposal) – (29.83 USD)


The cost of groceries for a single person typically runs around 2,000 MXN per month. This estimate can fluctuate based on dietary habits and the choice between local markets and more upscale supermarkets. Local markets offer fresh produce, meats, and bakery goods at lower prices than chain stores. A more organic or international diet can increase monthly grocery expenses significantly.

  • Groceries: Grocery monthly costs for a single person are around MXN 1500-2500 if purchasing a mix of local and imported products.
  • Restaurants: Dining at local restaurants can cost MXN 100-200 per person, while dining at upscale establishments may reach MXN 500 per person.


Public transportation is affordable and widely used in Mexico. A single ride on the metro costs around 5 MXN, and a monthly pass typically costs about 300 MXN in major cities.

  • Single metro ticket: Around MXN 5 (0.30 USD)
  • Monthly pass (Mexico City): Approximately MXN 300 (17.90 USD)


Healthcare in Mexico is both private and public. Public healthcare is available to residents (including expats who qualify), but many choose private healthcare for faster and more comprehensive service. Private health insurance costs vary but expect to pay between 3,000 and 8,000 MXN per month depending on coverage.

Average monthly cost of private health insurance: MXN 3,000-8,000 (179-477 USD)

Check out Foyer Global Health plans in Mexico here.


Mexico has several reputable universities and international schools, especially in larger cities. While public universities charge minimal fees, private education costs can be significant.

  • Tuition at private universities: Generally between 40,000 to 120,000 MXN per year (2386 to 7160 USD).
  • International schools: Tuition can range from 80,000 to 250,000 MXN per year (4773 to 14917 USD).

Additional Considerations

When considering the cost of living in Mexico, keep these additional points in mind:

  • Lifestyle Choices: How you choose to live significantly affects costs. Opting for local brands, eating at local restaurants, and using public transportation can reduce expenses dramatically.
  • Currency Fluctuations: The Mexican Peso (MXN) can be volatile. Keeping an eye on the exchange rate (especially if your income is in USD or another foreign currency) is important for financial planning.
  • Tax Considerations: Understanding Mexican tax law is crucial, especially if you are working or investing in Mexico.

Mexico offers a cost-effective lifestyle with its lower cost of living, making it an appealing option for many looking to stretch their budgets while enjoying a rich cultural experience. The expat population can effectively manage their budgets by taking advantage of Mexico’s affordable public transportation and understanding local tax laws, ensuring a financially stable lifestyle.