corporate social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our approach to sustainability at Foyer Group

Foyer Global Health fully commits to the global Corporate Social Responsibility governance of the Foyer Group and engages actively in the social actions initiated.

The 5 pillars of the CSR committee

  • The CSR Committee of Foyer Group consists of nine members. The role of the committee is to provide regular updates and recommendations on sustainability matters, and ensures Foyer Group complies with ESG regulations.
  • Five of the members are representatives of the main cross-functional themes. They are the sponsors and main points of contact for these themes. Their roles are to evaluate the positive impact of the CSR strategy and give advice and recommendations to the Foyer Executive Board.
  • The representatives are supported by work groups on the same themes. The work groups suggest actions and projects to the representatives who evaluate their consistency and relevance for Foyer group.

Read more details about the different themes addressed by the CSR Committee:


Promote the well-being of employees in the workplace, listen to their opinions, give importance to their voices, and improve their work-life balance.


Preserve the ecosystems, analyse impacts caused by the company and its products in terms of consumption of resources, production of waste, pollution, etc.


Support business growth and operation through sustainable practices that benefit and impact stakeholders, communities and environment positively.


Build a diverse and equitable workplace, by facilitating women’s empowerment, achieving equal outcomes regardless of gender.


Find solutions to enhance the lives of each other, helping associations by voluntary and sustainable actions.

CSR is a priority for Foyer, all employees and staff are invited to engage and lead social initiatives. Some of our wonderful Foyer Global Health staff are also members of the work groups.

“We are all very proud of being part of this adventure with Foyer Group. CSR is also an essential part of Foyer Global Health’s strategy and vision. When contributing to Foyer’s various projects, we achieve great results that benefit all the entities of the group. As part of the Ecology work group, we are committed to accompanying the Group in the transition to become a low carbon company, and making sure that our impact on the environment is minimal. We installed solar panels and beehives on the building’s roof and implemented innovative water solutions to collect rainwater. For the past few years, printing is done on recycled paper only. We are all doing this on a voluntary basis; each employee can be an active player and make a positive impact.”

Anne-Kathrin Grûtzner, member of Foyer’s CSR Committee

Foyer wants to ensure a better future

Through labels

Foyer is always looking for ways to improve. The company met the Luxembourg Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Institute (INDR) criteria, and was therefore able to renew its “Socially Responsible Company” accreditation on 4 June 2021.
Of the 100 companies that have received the accreditation so far, Foyer was the only insurer to have obtained and renewed its certification. This award is a testament to the group’s commitment to CSR.

responsibility europe

And partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organisations…

In January 2009, the Foyer Group concluded a partnership agreement with the non-profit organisation MyClimateLux.
MyClimateLux activities are aimed in particular at making companies and the public at large, aware of climate change, the efficient use of energy and renewable energy sources, together with enabling voluntary compensation of CO2 emissions by investing in high-quality climate protection projects.

myclimate luxembourg

Since 2015, Foyer Group is also a partner of Microlux, leader in Luxembourg in microfinance activities.
In January 2020, during its CSR Fair, Foyer Group launched a new award, the Foyer Microfinance Award, for microfinance projects in Luxembourg.
For the second time in October 2021, Foyer Group supported micro-entrepreneurs through My Microbusiness Awards, with the presence of Pierre Gramegna, the Minister of Finance.

myclimate luxembourg

Foyer Group also collaborated with Payroll Giving Luxembourg, Infogreen, AEIN…

payroll giving

To know more about CSR in Foyer Group, you can visit the dedicated page on the website:

Our actions to build a better place

Charity project in Nepal: building a school for children

With the NGO AEIN, Foyer supports the education of children with the rebuilding of a primary school. This school will be able to accommodate around 120 students. Foyer collects donations through Payroll giving and various auctions, which amount so far to €30,000. This amount will be donated to the AEIN association. We give a warm thank you to all staff that were involved in this cause.

foyer nepal

International Women’s Day 2022

Foyer Global Health joined Foyer to celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March 2022 to speak up for a more diverse, equitable and inclusive world. A series of short videos and interviews were created to raise awareness around gender equality in the workplace.

international women's day

Collecting goods for Ukraine

In collaboration with several Luxembourgish companies, Foyer has organised several collections of goods for the Ukrainian population. The goods were sent to the associations LUkraine and Echanges Lorraine Ukraine, to be then shipped to Ukraine, or distributed at collection centres.

collecting ukraine

Mets tes baskets! (Put your sneakers on!)

On 16 June  2022, Foyer’s collaborators put their sneakers on to clean the Leudelange area in support of the ELA Association to fight against leukodystrophy. About 13 bags of 100 litres were collected in 45 min by all the staff present that day.

mets tes baskets