According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), maintaining a healthy diet, a normal weight and a certain amount of physical activity throughout life would be enough to prevent a third of cancer cases. On the other hand, an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle and smoking cause up to 80% of premature coronary heart disease.
In view of these data, why not take advantage of the New Year to decide to improve the aspects of our lives that we do not like or that are harmful to us? It is an investment in health with many rewards. It is a question of changing our habits so that we feel better, of enjoying simple pleasures (a meal with the family, a walk, a chat with our loved ones…) and learning to put into perspective other aspects that sometimes prevent us from enjoying what is important.
This is our special proposal of good resolutions for the year that has just begun:
Eat better (healthy and balanced)
The aim of a balanced diet is not to lose weight or maintain your ‘type’, but to prevent certain diseases and strengthen your immune system. A poor diet can be the cause of conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, bone and joint disease and some cancers, including stomach cancer.

Poor nutrition also affects our energy levels and mood. In order to eat properly and maintain a healthy weight, it is important to provide the body with the necessary nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in the right proportions.
In this sense, the Mediterranean diet is one of the most widely accepted and best diets, as it contains all the foods necessary for a healthy and balanced diet (cereals, vegetables, fruit, legumes, fish, olive oil, etc.). It is important to reduce the consumption of saturated fats (pastries, cured meats, butter, etc.) and to increase the intake of antioxidants (fruit and vegetables).
Drink more water
The body needs to be hydrated, so it is important to drink water (about two litres a day). It also helps to eliminate accumulated toxins and improves kidney function. It is advisable to drink about eight glasses of water throughout the day, and it is also very healthy to drink two glasses of water on an empty stomach.

It should be remembered that when we wake up we have gone for many hours without drinking, so it is advisable to drink one or two glasses of water in small sips (this helps us to hydrate and eliminate toxins). Herbal teas, soups and fruit juices, provided they are natural, are also beneficial due to their water levels.
Stay active
Physical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, as it has many benefits, including improving muscle tone, protecting the heart, boosting the immune system and increasing oxygen supply to the lungs and brain. Regular exercise also helps you sleep better and improves your mood by releasing endorphins, which make you feel good.

You do not need to exercise at high intensity, just make small changes to improve your physical fitness. An active lifestyle is already beneficial, but if we add the practice of a specific physical activity or sport on a moderate and regular basis (at least three times a week), we will increase its benefits. It is important to remember, however, that when starting a sporting activity, it should be done gradually, as too much exercise without getting used to it could be harmful.
Have regular medical check-ups
It is important to see your doctor regularly for check-ups and tests that can help detect problems before they become serious. Depending on your gender, age and physical condition, some check-ups will be necessary, but you should not miss them or put them off, as prevention is often the key to good health in the future.

Stop smoking
Perhaps the most striking way of demonstrating why it is important to stop smoking is to list the benefits that start to accrue within 20 minutes of quitting (blood pressure returns to normal and heart rate is balanced) and continue to add up (in the first year, for example, the risk of having a heart attack is halved).

Quitting smoking is not easy because it involves physical dependence, but health professionals can help us and it can be done. And stopping this habit can be extended to other toxic habits (excessive alcohol consumption, screen time, sugar consumption…) that we can set ourselves the goal of giving up this New Year.
Exercising the mind
It is important to keep your mind active as well as your body. Studies show that those who engage in activities that require intellectual effort retain more mental activity as they age. Curiosity and activities such as reading, writing, word games, board games or crossword puzzles are activities that help keep the brain in shape and prevent memory and other intellectual skills from deteriorating, as they force you to think and plan strategies for solving problems.

In this sense, it is also important to reduce the number of hours spent in front of screens, which are often used for entertainment that does not require any intellectual effort and, in excess, atrophy the mind. Setting goals, keeping our minds busy, planning for the future… are all functions that keep our minds in shape.
Take care of your mental health
This includes making time for yourself, maintaining positive relationships, seeking professional help if necessary and practising gratitude. Emotional wellbeing is just as important as physical wellbeing, so don’t try to take on too many activities at once:
- Don’t try to take on too many activities at once, and try to focus on the ones you can do. It’s important to recognise that we can’t do everything and to prioritise.
- Try to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night.
- Cultivate more social and family relationships.
- Don’t neglect your leisure time and use it for activities that you find enjoyable and rewarding, that give you something to do and help you to disconnect.
- In those moments when you feel overwhelmed by your commitments and activities, take a deep breath and try to relax and take your mind off negative thoughts.
- Treat yourself to moments of pampering: a massage, a bath, a special dinner…
Making healthy New Year’s resolutions is a great way to start the year on a positive, feel-good note. Starting on your own is not always easy, but through the Ecare portal you can start working on healthy eating and exercise with the Get Fit programme, and if you feel more like talking to a doctor about your physical wellbeing or a mental coach about your mental wellbeing, make an appointment now. These services are provided free of charge for all our Foyer Global Health customers. So let’s welcome 2025!